Bordeaux for Dummies by Kerstin Rodgers AKA @MsMarmiteLover

[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] Bordeaux is arguably the best-known wine in the world after Champagne, but it has an image problem. Since the 1980s, younger people prefer to drink wine from elsewhere – usually the New World, meaning Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile, Argentina, America. Our consumption of Bordeaux has…

Veggie burger and veggie wines by Kerstin Rodgers aka @MsMarmiteLover

[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”]     We talk often about wine and food matchings for meat and fish, but what about vegetarian food? What do you drink with a veggie burger? What do you drink with tofu? Or avocado? By listing whether a wine contains animal products, Winetrust caters to vegetarians and vegans. Egg…

Sweet Biscuit Recipes for Dipping in Wines by Kerstin Rodgers aka @MsMarmiteLover

[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] Long ago, bakers discovered that if you bake something twice – bi (two) cuit (cooked) – it becomes crunchy and lasts longer, hence ‘biscuits’. One of the earliest biscuits is the Ship’s Biscuit, or hard tack as it’s often known. These would be cooked four times…