Showcasing South Africa: Meet the Platter 5* Producers

[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] Not only are the winelands of South Africa visually stunning, we are consistently impressed by the quality of wines coming out of this dynamic region. South Africa’s wine industry “officially” begun in 1659, when commander of the Dutch East India Company, Jan van Riebeeck, declared on the 2nd of February:…

Bordeaux for Dummies by Kerstin Rodgers AKA @MsMarmiteLover

[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] Bordeaux is arguably the best-known wine in the world after Champagne, but it has an image problem. Since the 1980s, younger people prefer to drink wine from elsewhere – usually the New World, meaning Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile, Argentina, America. Our consumption of Bordeaux has…

Spotlight on South Africa: Introducing Newton Johnson and the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley

[twitter style=”horizontal” float=”left”] [fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] Working with Richard Kelley MW and the team at Dreyfus Ashby, WineTrust is delighted to bring you Newton Johnson Family Vineyards – a fresh face for the South Africa portfolio. Also making its WineTrust debut is the beautiful Hemel-en-Aarde valley, producing some equally beautiful wines to…